Estudyantepreneur 2024

In a typical high school day, students are accustomed to attending classes and engaging in discussions with teachers. However, the annual Estudyantepreneur event, organized by the TLE club, offers a unique opportunity for students to dive into the world of entrepreneurship. This event allows students to align their ventures with their respective TLE subjects, providing a hands-on experience in the business realm.

Unexpected yet enjoyable, these events and services became a source of enjoyment for participants. With the support of ICT teachers and fellow students, activities such as film viewing, printing, gaming, laminating, and research were made accessible. 

Each activity served a practical or entertaining purpose, enriching the overall event experience. Although modest in scale, this event series fosters a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, welcoming all who participate.

With this event, students can have the chance to show their entrepreneur skills and others can learn it.



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