
Showing posts from March, 2024


 As I look back at the third quarter of this school year, i have faced many challenges. I've tackled difficult activities, learned new things, and had discussions that added to my knowledge. However, I also encountered moments of frustration and uncertainty while dealing with tough assignments and exams. But, I didn't give up. I studied diligently, sought help from my teachers and friends, and as a result, I gained a deeper understanding of the subjects. With my friends by my side, they help me face these challenges less difficult. I became more active in participation. In conclusion, this quarter has been a challenge but I managed to achieve it. And I hope that this fourth quarter will be better than the last. Reference:

Happy hearts day

 14 February. It's a great day for lovers, but it's also special for us students since we get to enjoy it with our teachers and classmates whom we love so much. Since this is our last year as junior high school students, giving them gifts made our hearts joyful. In conclusion, this day gave us a lot of memories to treasure as we are now in our final year of being with our classmates and instructors. We presented our teachers cake and flowers as a symbol of our love for them and as a representation of us celebrating Valentine's Day with them. After four years together, we are nearing the end of our time together.  Reference:

"Breaking Barriers, Shaping Futures: Celebrating National Women's Month"

In our world, women continue to face ridicule for merely existing, their efforts often undervalued and underappreciated. However, in recent years, we have begun to give them the recognition they rightly deserve. Women's Month aims to honor and celebrate women as vital contributors to development, advocating for their equality in rights and struggles alongside men. As we approach Women's Month 2024, our commitment to celebrating and paying homage to women's empowerment remains steadfast. How can I contribute to celebrating Women's Month? To actively participate, I will take the stage to share my thoughts and sentiments in an impromptu speech. Having done so last year, I am determined to do the same this year.  I will highlight women's remarkable contributions and shed light on their enduring challenges while expressing my own perspectives on this important occasion. Equality is imperative for both genders, and it is crucial that justice does not overlook the struggle

122nd High School Day Celebration

The 122nd High School Day would be one of the memorable moments I had in Ilocos Sur National High School. It is the first time for me to attend this kind of event in ISNHS. First we had a parade that all teachers and students attended, we walked for a few minutes with our props in hand. In preparation for the field demonstration was a hassle not only to the teachers, but also the students. It includes the practice sessions of students for each grade level with different festivals and making your own props. We took long hours of practice in order for it to be perfect, but in exchange for some of our class time.  Students from grade 7 to grade 10 are the ones who performed for the field demonstration, with each grade level have different festivals to perform. The grade 10 boys are the champion and us grade 10 girls are in the third place. In the afternoon, we watched a concert that was performed by our teachers and students. It was very enjoyable and memorable to say the least. Reference

Estudyantepreneur 2024

In a typical high school day, students are accustomed to attending classes and engaging in discussions with teachers. However, the annual Estudyantepreneur event, organized by the TLE club, offers a unique opportunity for students to dive into the world of entrepreneurship. This event allows students to align their ventures with their respective TLE subjects, providing a hands-on experience in the business realm. Unexpected yet enjoyable, these events and services became a source of enjoyment for participants. With the support of ICT teachers and fellow students, activities such as film viewing, printing, gaming, laminating, and research were made accessible.  Each activity served a practical or entertaining purpose, enriching the overall event experience. Although modest in scale, this event series fosters a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, welcoming all who participate. With this event, students can have the chance to show their entrepreneur skills and others can learn it. Referenc