Me is I

I am Irylle Rocher J. Arista. I am 15 years old and was born on June 7, 2008. My parents name are Marlon Q. Arista and Alfreda J. Arista. I have one sibling which is my sister Iris Red Arista. My mother got the name Irylle from her friend who has a daughter named Irylle, and she got the name Rocher from the chocolate Ferrero Rocher. 

Here are some things about me. I like baking because for me baking is really therapeutic. I also like cooking and helping around the kitchen. I love cats. I love watching movies like romance, comedy, and sometimes horror, but mostly I like to watch Marvel movies. I also like to listen to true crime stories, and listening to songs. My favorite colors are blue, gold, emerald, and black. the flowers I like are Roses, Sunflower, and Tulips but mostly I prefer Roses.

In the future my dream is to become an engineer. I want to finish college as cum laude or even higher to make my parents proud. My goal is to make my parents comfortable and not let them worry. I also want to have my dream job and travel around the world and go on adventures. I know that achieving this goal will be difficult but it will always be worth it in the end. Challenging myself will make me a better version of myself.



  1. Keep fighting for your future, Irylle. Make your younger self proud :)

  2. nice blog, I hope you can achieve all of you're dreams

  3. You wish to become successful in life to repay your parents, and that's commendable. Just don't forget to take a breath and rest every now and then or you'll slowly lose sight and motivation to pursue your goal!

  4. It's happy to know the thing that you like and the things that you want to finish as a student. Motivate your self and pursue your dream. And, it's nice to meet.

  5. Keep it up with your progress. I hope you achieve what you are yearning for. Keep dreaming big.Im proud of you, Irylle.

  6. its nice to know about you just keep up and enjoy what your doing keep up the good work

  7. Interesting blog, Great job!! Keep up doing a great work

  8. I am sure that you will accomplish all of this!! Just keep believing in yourself.

  9. It's nice to know more about you, I'm sure you'll achieve your dreams. Keep working hard, so that one day you'll achieve your dream on traveling around the world.


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